1. Postcards: Dublin

    April 10, 2022
    Postcards from Dublin

  2. Production Stills: Hood

    January 9, 2022
    Poster images I shot last year for the World of Hood bringing new life to the Robin Hood story. We shot it in the stunning dereliction of Crossness Pumping station. Watch the teaser trailer on their website

  3. Barbican - Jean Dubuffet

    July 22, 2021
     “Art should always make you laugh a little and fear a little. Anything but bore” – Jean Dubuffet  Commissioned by the The Barbican to create a mixed media contextual film for the exhibition “Brutal Beauty”, encouraging audiences to engage with the artist Jean Dubuffet’s impact on art. I put together…

  4. Pandemic Spy (short film)

    July 20, 2021
    10 days ago, I proclaimed a wrap on my short film “Pandemic Spy”🕵️‍♂️ and there was much rejoicing.  My first shoot of literally anything in 18 months was something I’d written and directed, so no pressure then! Found it exhausting and rewarding but incredible thanks to my amazing cast…

  5. Bruce Springsteen at SxSW [mixed media]

    January 24, 2021
    Waaaaaaaay back in 2012 the mighty Bruce Springsteen gave his keynote address at SxSW, a thoughtful meditation on the creative process and process of life. This is just his peroration, he speaks about the way we are, the way we set out, and recognises the very simple truth of the…

  6. And that was 2020…

    December 16, 2020
    Well, the end of the year has once again rolled into view, and if like me you’re ready to have at this past year with a giant baseball bat. Don’t. Stop. Breathe……..  Use 2 giant baseball bats and a tommy gun, but wear a mask whilst doing so. I made…

  7. Stop Motion Recipes

    May 30, 2020
    Pushing what I can do with stop motion animation, I built a small home studio for table, creating a series of easy to make Jewish and Middle Eastern inspired recipes that I love eating and cooking (but mainly eating). When I look at a recipe I rewrite it a bit…

  8. Covid Essentials (Stop Motion)

    May 8, 2020
    Inspired by @paugram’s #everythingwetouchcovidessentialsx15 challenge, I’ve been making a stop motion animation of of 15 essential things helping me get through lockdown. Ive used a few analogue items (that I refuse to throw away) to illustrate my story with a bit of creative license but you get the picture! This…

  9. Chapter Rebookers

    November 24, 2019
    Created this dynamic testimonial video for Chapter London’s “Re-bookers” campaign, where current residents tell us why they re-booked their accommodation at Chapter. The feel was bright, fun and disruptive with a few social media cutdown based on their answers in wellbeing, community, diversity and what they liked about London. 

  10. Postcards: À Paris

    September 24, 2019
    A shoot abroad for a few days in Paris and with it an opportunity to scale the Eiffel Tower for a night 

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